Simba Education
A social enterprise developed six years ago in response to the visible learning tools gap in Early Childhood Education (ECE) across sub-Saharan Africa. Simba designs technology solutions, learning experiences and other products that lower the barriers of accessing an affordable early years education. Using the Simba Education model we improve foundational learning outcomes by building the capacity of educators in numeracy and literacy skills and working with smaller ECD centres providing learning kits to make teaching effective.
Capernaum Scholarships
Scholarship program targeting orphaned and vulnerable children in communities and institutions, with a thrust to personally know each scholar and provide them with holistic support. The Capernaum Scholarship has been offered since 1996 with 99% of primary school students supported transitioning on to secondary school. 55% of our scholarships are awarded to the girl-child.
Joshua Nkomo Scholarships
Merit-based scholarship programmes that focus on identifying young Zimbabwean talent through a rigorous selection process and creating the opportunity for them to get the best and most relevant education at world-class local and overseas tertiary learning institutions. A-level scholarships are for candidates starting Lower 6th and University scholarships are for candidates entering 1st year undergraduate studies. 70% of the scholarships will be for Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (STEM) studies, whilst 30% is reserved for other disciplines.
STAR Leadership Academy
An intensive educational and experiential learning leadership program aimed at academically gifted African students who exhibit strong leadership qualities. The program is designed to create strong leaders with a remarkable work ethic and the ability to tackle complex problems, find solutions and most of all create livelihoods for themselves and others. STAR Leadership Academy (SLA) provides African students with critical leadership skills, improves their cultural awareness and builds a commitment to servant leadership and nation building.
Ruzivo Digital Learning
Interactive digital learning platform targeted at primary, secondary and high school learners. Ruzivo content is aligned to the Zimbabwe Curricula and has been evaluated and approved by the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education. Through Ruzivo we provide quality education more accessible to a wide group of students in line with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4: Inclusive and equitable quality education.
Lifelong Development
Leadership and mentorship program to groom purpose-driven, entrepreneurial, professional and responsive transformative leaders who are prepared to drive positive change in their families, communities and nation. Through LLD we equip young people with non-cognitive and other soft skills needed for them to effectively participate as global citizens, attain sustainable livelihoods and ability to drive positive changes in their communities.
Delta PHD Fellowship
A Doctoral Research and Fellowship Program that provides opportunities for promoting research and innovation in areas of strategic significance and stimulation to the economy of Zimbabwe currently and in future. The PhD Fellowship program aims to develop critical skills needed to advance the national economy. Under this initiative, we are directly supporting strategic research in selected disciplines, in order to promote a generation of new knowledge and innovations that will contribute towards achieving Zimbabwe’s National Vision 2030.